import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
def create_utility_matrix(data, formatizer = {'user':0, 'item': 1, 'value': 2}): """ :param data: Array-like, 2D, nx3 :param formatizer:pass the formatizer :return: utility matrix (n x m), n=users, m=items """ itemField = formatizer['item'] userField = formatizer['user'] valueField = formatizer['value'] userList = data.ix[:,userField].tolist() itemList = data.ix[:,itemField].tolist() valueList = data.ix[:,valueField].tolist() users = list(set(data.ix[:,userField])) items = list(set(data.ix[:,itemField])) users_index = {users[i]: i for i in range(len(users))} pd_dict = {item: [np.nan for i in range(len(users))] for item in items} for i in range(0,len(data)): item = itemList[i] user = userList[i] value = valueList[i] pd_dict[item][users_index[user]] = value X = pd.DataFrame(pd_dict) X.index = users itemcols = list(X.columns) items_index = {itemcols[i]: i for i in range(len(itemcols))} # users_index gives us a mapping of user_id to index of user # items_index provides the same for items return X, users_index, items_index
def svd(train, k): utilMat = np.array(train) # the nan or unavailable entries are masked mask = np.isnan(utilMat) masked_arr =, mask) item_means = np.mean(masked_arr, axis=0) # nan entries will replaced by the average rating for each item utilMat = masked_arr.filled(item_means) x = np.tile(item_means, (utilMat.shape[0],1)) # we remove the per item average from all entries. # the above mentioned nan entries will be essentially zero now utilMat = utilMat - x # The magic happens here. U and V are user and item features U, s, V=np.linalg.svd(utilMat, full_matrices=False) s=np.diag(s) # we take only the k most significant features s=s[0:k,0:k] U=U[:,0:k] V=V[0:k,:] s_root=sqrtm(s),s_root),V) UsV =, skV) UsV = UsV + x print("svd done") return UsV
def rmse(true, pred): # this will be used towards the end x = true - pred return sum([xi*xi for xi in x])/len(x) # to test the performance over a different number of features
for f in no_of_features: svdout = svd(utilMat, k=f) pred = [] #to store the predicted ratings for _,row in test.iterrows(): user = row['userId'] item = row['movieId'] u_index = users_index[user] if item in items_index: i_index = items_index[item] pred_rating = svdout[u_index, i_index] else: pred_rating = np.mean(svdout[u_index, :]) pred.append(pred_rating)print(rmse(test['rating'], pred))